The weaknesses of ActiveCampaign (2022)
I love ActiveCampaign. Ever since I started using it a couple of years ago, I’ve worked with a few dozen clients using it and convinced several people to switch providers. That said, ActiveCampaign (I’ll call it AC for short) has a few unfortunate weaknesses. These become more apparent for larger companies with more custom needs, […]
How to make a dynamic WordPress page with Javascript
Have you ever wanted to make a page change depending on where visitors are coming from, or create a page with a few slight variations? What you want to avoid is duplicating the page and making multiple versions. What if you want to update some of the copy or design in the page? Now you’ll […]
How to Send Dynamic Time-Based Email Reminders with ActiveCampaign
Out of the box, ActiveCampaign provides a way to send emails based on a dynamic date field (such as sending a reminder one day before a call). But it doesn’t provide a way to send email reminders a set amount of time before a dynamic event, such as a call or webinar. For any event […]
How to set up UTM tracking and site tracking across all forms with AC
By the end of this post, you’ll know how to set up UTM tracking and site tracking across an entire site at once (without having to edit every form manually). In layman’s terms, this will enable you to see in ActiveCampaign: What pages someone visited on your site after they submit a form What site […]
How to correct an email marketing mistake (and turn it into a win)
Even with a great quality assurance system, email marketing mistakes will happen. You’ll send the wrong link, include typos, or send a totally confusing email. When this happens, don’t panic! See this as an opportunity to learn, to brand yourself, and to potentially get even more attention on your call-to-action. Why should you listen to […]
Try these to improve your conversion rate (29 ideas)
In marketing, far too much emphasis is put on doing new things vs. improving what already works. When you create a landing page that converts pretty well or run an ad that generates solid leads, the immediate thought becomes: “Can I do more of this?” Instead, the question should be “Can I do this even […]
How to integrate Clickfunnels emails and site tracking with ActiveCampaign (the optimal way)
There are a few ways to integrate ActiveCampaign with Clickfunnels, each with their drawbacks. I’ll cover all three and let you decide what you want to use! You can click the links to skip to the method you want to use. 1. Use the built-in integration with Clickfunnels and ActiveCampaign. Drawbacks: it doesn’t trigger ActiveCampaign […]
How to create an automated email welcome sequence with multiple entry points in ActiveCampaign
If you collect email subscribers from multiple different locations and offer different content in return, you’re going to run into a couple of complications. 1. If a current subscriber wants a second email-gated piece of content, you want to send it to them without welcoming them twice. 2. You have to know which piece of […]
How to integrate Clickfunnels with ActiveCampaign (even if you have dozens of existing funnels)
Update: I’ve written a new post that goes over 3 potential methods to integrate Clickfunnels and ActiveCampaign. You may want to read that one first, but it will reference this post. A year ago, a client wanted to switch from using Clickfunnels to manage their email to using ActiveCampaign. This was definitely a good idea […]
Things you can learn from Pre-Suasion by Robert Cialdini
If you are interested in public speaking, I wrote another article that specifically applies Pre-Suasion to public speaking on my other site. One of the best new books of 2016 was Pre-Suasion: A Revolutionary Way to Influence and Persuade, by Robert Cialdini. After publishing Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion back in 1984, Cialdini was thrust […]